The scales of justice behind a glass of whiskey, a pair of handcuffs and a metal car

Back in June of this year, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) started a campaign to remind Texans of the dangers of hitting the road while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While they are still gathering 2024 numbers, they released statistics from 2023, which show that there was an average of 65 alcohol-related crashes every day on Texas roadways. This resulted in an average of three deaths per day from those accidents.

In the city of Dallas alone, there were a total of 3,727 DUI alcohol-related accidents, resulting in 148 deaths and 287 serious injuries. To aid in the campaign and messaging behind TxDOT’s ‘Drive Sober. No Regrets.’ campaign, the dedicated drunk driving accident attorneys at the Hernandez Law Group, P.C. have updated our Dallas drunk driving Statistics blog to include more recent data, as well as information on how you can keep your family safer on the road.

Introduction to Drunk Driving in Dallas

Drunk driving accidents often result in serious injuries to both drivers, loss of human life, and irreparable damage to either one or both vehicles involved. These accidents tend to be so severe because of the effect of alcohol on the human body. Lowered inhibitions, slower response and reasoning skills, and, for some individuals, an increase in fatigue can lead to drivers making poor choices that send them straight into harm’s way, taking nearby drivers and their passengers with them. Driving under the influence is one of the most reckless choices a driver can make.

What Is Considered Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol in Texas?

Texas DWI laws state that a motorist may not operate a vehicle when their blood alcohol concentration is .08 or more. This also includes operators of motor vehicles who may be intoxicated by other substances, such as drugs, that limit the mental or physical faculties necessary to operate a vehicle safely. 

If an individual’s blood alcohol level is under .08 but they have an open alcohol container, they can still get charged with a DWI. There are also laws that apply specifically to minors. Anyone under the age of 21 may be convicted of a DWI if they have any alcohol in their system. They do not have to be over the .08 BAC limit to be charged with a DWI.

A sideswipe accident in a parking lot.

Despite the law making it illegal to drink and drive in Texas, the number of fatalities that resulted from a drunk driving accident has increased. The most recent report from TxDOT states the following:

  • There has been a 2% increase in deaths from drunk driving crashes from the previous year.
  • One person died in Texas every seven hours and 32 minutes due to drinking and driving in 2023.
  • Three deaths occur every day in Texas because of drinking and driving in Texas.
  • Dallas County has the second-highest DWI crash rate in the state, with a total of 2,275 crashes.

What Is the Average Age of Drivers in Texas Drunk Driving Accidents?

Drivers 35 and under account for more DUI driver fatalities and accidents than any other age group combined. This age group has been responsible for 384 drunk driver deaths. 

Breaking this age group down further, younger drivers between the ages of 21-25 accounted for the most accidents and driver-related deaths. This age group also faced the most costs and fines related to drunk driving. The average convicted individual of this age group faced fines of up to $17,000 along with jail time.

Drunk Driving Statistics for Specific Days and Times

The early hours of Sunday morning are often the most unsafe times to be on the road when it comes to drinking and driving, specifically between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. After that, the second most common time for drunk driving accidents on Texas roadways is between 2:00 a.m. and 2:59 a.m. on Saturday mornings.

As mentioned earlier, drunk driving is illegal in the state of Texas. Texas prosecutes all drunk drivers age 21 or older with the following penalties, depending on the offense:

  • First offense:
    • Up to $2,000
    • Jail time between three and 180 days
    • License suspension for up to two years
    • Annual surcharge of up to $2,000 for three years to keep their license
    • DWI intervention or education program
    • Possible ignition interlock device
  • Second offense:
    • Up to $4,000 fine
    • Jail time between one month and 1 year
    • License suspension up two years
    • Annual surcharge of up to $2,000 for three years to keep their license
    • DWI intervention or education program
    • Possible ignition interlock device
  • Third offense:
    • Up to $10,000 fine
    • State prison time between two to 10 years
    • License suspension up to two years
    • Annual surcharge of up to $2,000 for three years to keep your license
    • DWI intervention or education program
    • Possible ignition interlock device

DWI With a Child Passenger:

For individuals who are convicted of a DWI with a child passenger younger than 15 in the car, there are additional penalties, including:

  • Up to $10,000 fine
  • Jail time up to two years
  • License suspension for 180 days

Dallas-Area Drunk Driving Preventive Measures and Community Safety Programs

Individuals can take many steps to help keep themselves and others safer on the road. If you are planning on drinking, make sure to follow this advice: 

  • If you have been drinking, no matter how good you may feel, do not drive.
  • Never ride in a car with a person you suspect is under the influence of alcohol. Even one drink is enough to impair a driver’s reasoning and reaction time, putting you and others at risk.
  • If you are going to a party or a restaurant and plan on having a drink, make sure you have a designated driver. This person will not partake in drinking and ensure that their party can get to their destination and back safely. If the designated driver decides to drink, do not get into the car with them. Instead, utilize public transportation such as a taxi or Uber.
  • Plan safe parties that include non-alcoholic beverage options. Stop serving or drinking alcohol during the last hour of the party or the hour before you plan to leave.

Dallas, Texas also has plenty of community safety programs to spread awareness about drunk driving, their impact on families and the community, and steps that can be taken to help prevent accidents. These resources are as follows:

How Hernandez Law Group, P.C. Can Help Victims of Drunk Drivers

A gavel and two vehicles that have collided.

The Hernandez Law Group, P.C. is Dallas’s trusted resource for victims of drunk driving accidents. We help our clients navigate the legal channels to ensure they get the compensation they deserve. We do this by:

Making Sure Our Clients Understand the Difference Between a Civil and Criminal Case

Being involved in a drunk driving accident adds an extra layer of complexity to your car accident case. Driving while intoxicated is against the law and carries hefty legal fines for those convicted of this crime along with jail time. The state prosecution will seek to press criminal charges against the drunk driver. This usually happens around the same time the victim of the accident pursues compensation for medical expenses and damages.

The criminal case and the civil case are two separate events and compensation cannot be collected from the criminal case alone. The prosecutor or district attorney’s sole responsibility is to bring the drunk driver to justice by ensuring they are properly prosecuted under the law. For the injured party to receive compensation, they will need to seek out a drunk driving accident attorney and pursue a civil lawsuit against the liable driver.

Help Our Clients Deal With the Insurance Companies

The insurance company of the drunk driver will seek to protect their best interests first, not the injured party. This often means that they will try underhanded tactics, such as asking leading questions, to get the victim to admit that they had partial fault in the accident or that their injuries are not so bad. If the insurance company can do this, they will be more successful in their ability to force the victim to accept as little compensation as possible. The Hernandez Law Group, P.C. will not let them do this.

We don’t stand for bullying. Instead, we handle the car insurance for you so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries while we get you the compensation you deserve. We make sure your side of the story is heard and that you are treated with respect.

What Type of Compensation Can I Get From a Dallas Drunk Driving Accident:

If you or a loved one has been involved in a drunk driving accident, Texas state law provides three categories of compensation. These categories are as follows: economic, non-economic, and exemplary damages.

  • Economic Damages
    • Medical expenses
    • Lost wages
    • Loss of earning capacity
    • Transportation to accident-related appointments
    • Personal property damages, such as repairs or replacements for the car
  • Non-economic damages
    • Pain and suffering
    • Loss of enjoyment in life
    • Loss of consortium
    • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Exemplary Damages
    • Damages that punish the at-fault driver for causing the accident are meant to deter future parties from making the same mistake or taking the same actions. 

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

A gavel with police lights in the background.

Drunk driving accidents are horrific and leave behind massive damage that extends much further than physical injuries and personal property damage. Emotional pain and suffering along with mounting expenses can put a huge strain on the victim and their families. While there is no way to eliminate the risk of a drunk driving accident, the attorneys at the Hernandez Law Group, P.C. can help you get the compensation you deserve if you have been involved in one. With an over 98% success rate, you can rest assured that your case is in good hands. Our attorneys will handle your case while you focus on your recovery. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys to go over the facts of your case. Let our family fight for yours.

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