Category: Car Accidents

My Loved One Was Killed In a Car Accident; What Are My Legal Rights

A car accident with the words, "wrongful death in car accidents."

In 2020, approximately 3,896 deaths due to vehicle accidents were reported on Texas roads. In some cases, death occurred on impact; in other cases, the victim survived long enough to receive medical treatment but ultimately succumbed to their injuries. In every case, these deaths are tragic. No one feels the loss more than the loved […]

Five Common Mistakes Parents Make Using Car Seats

A picture of car seats at a store with the words, "five common mistakes with car seats."

Children are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society. They are especially vulnerable to car accidents, with most children gaining serious injuries or even dying if they are involved in one. Car seats are designed to help protect and save young lives in the event of an accident by keeping them safely strapped […]

How to Avoid Accidents With 18-Wheelers in Texas

An 18-Wheeler Driving down the road with the words, "how to avoid 18-wheeler accidents."

In 2019 alone, the Texas Department of Transportation reported there were a total of 39,193 commercial truck and bus accidents. Many drivers know to give 18-wheelers a wide berth since large trucks are capable of disastrous damage. Accidents involving 18-wheelers though are still common though. Drivers still use risky maneuvers to get around the large […]

If you Rear End Someone in Texas, is it Always Your Fault?

A gavel and a toy car with a scale in the background and the words "Rear End Collisions"

Rear-end collisions happen in a moment. All it takes is a moment of lapsed judgment, inattention, or a risky maneuver from another vehicle to result in an accident. In the United States, there are approximately 1.7 million rear-end collisions per year. If you were in a rear-end collision where your vehicle was the one in […]

Defensive Driving Tips

A person driving with the words, "defensive driving tips."

Driving is a regular part of many people’s day across the United States. From going to work, getting the kids to school, and visiting loved ones, much of our lives is spent on the go. While driving is a commonplace activity, it is also one of the most dangerous activities that people undertake every day. […]

Marijuana and Driving: Has Legalization Caused a Rise in Car Accidents?

A photo of an accident with the words, "has legalization caused a rise in car accidents?"

Marijuana has been a hot topic in lawmaking. Over the past few years, many states have completely legalized marijuana and ended arrests for possessing the drug for recreational purposes. Texas remains one of the few states where the legalization of marijuana is extremely limited. While cannabis oil for medicinal purposes is allowed, having marijuana on […]

Who Is Liable for an Accident Concerning an Emergency Vehicle?

An ambulance with driving down the streets with the words, "Who Is Liable for an Emergency Vehicle Accident?"

It is common knowledge that when the sirens and flashing lights of an emergency vehicle are on, any other drivers on the road need to get out of the way. Emergency vehicles carry necessary personnel, whether it’s police, firefighters, or medical personnel, to the situations and individuals who need their help. While accidents with these […]

How to Improve Your Driving Record

A person driving into the sunset with the words, "how to improve your driving record."

The State of Texas uses a point system on all its driving licenses to keep track of an individual’s driving record. Different traffic violations ranging from driving without a seatbelt to drunk driving will result in a different number of points added to the record. The higher the number of points an individual has on […]