Category: Car Accidents

Tips to Keep Your Teen Drivers Safe While On the Road

A teenage driver getting ready to drive with the words, "tips to keep your teen driver safe while on the road."

There is nothing in this world that a parent cherishes more than their children. The blessing of being able to watch that child grow up, learn about the world around them, and come into their unique personality is an incredible experience that cannot be matched. However, some aspects of growing up cause parents a lot […]

Why You Should Avoid Social Media After an Accident?

A bunch of individuals on their phones with the words, "Why You Should Avoid Social Media After an Accident."

Social media has taken the world by storm. From Facebook to Tiktok, most people are placing their lives on display for friends, family, and sometimes even strangers to see. Vacation photos, wedding or baby announcements, work, and personal life updates, there is so much information floating around about individuals, that it seems like you can […]

What Happens If I Get Into an Accident in a Rental Car?

Two people talking after an accident with the words, "what happens if I get into an accident in a rental car."

Whether it is for work or business, having a rental car gives you the freedom to explore the world around you, get to your desired destinations when you want to be there, and allows you the chance to drive a vehicle you wouldn’t typically own.  However, driving on new terrain with new traffic patterns along […]

Poor Road Maintenance Caused My Accident; Can I Sue the City?

A gavel is sitting on a desk with a car key.

Car accidents are sadly commonplace in the state of Texas. In 2021, Texas experienced 15,764 serious injury crashes that resulted in 19,448 individuals sustaining serious injuries. While a majority of these accidents are often caused by individuals making poor decisions on the road such as speeding or not checking their blind spots when merging lanes, […]

Do I Need to Replace My Car Seat After an Accident?

A picture of a carseat with the words, "do I need to replace my car seat after an accident?"

Car seats are an important tool for every single parent of small children and infants. They protect children from being thrown or seriously injured in the event of an accident by safely locking them in place. According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 325 children under the age of five are […]

Why Are Insurance Companies Biased Towards Motorcycles?

A bunch of motorcycles with the words, "Are Insurance Companies Biased Against Motorcycles?"

Why Are Insurance Companies Biased Against Motorcyclists? Insurance companies are great at making it seem like they put the public and their clients first. But anyone who’s been in an accident knows this is rarely true. After all, insurance companies are businesses first and foremost. They aim to pay out as little money as possible […]

What to Do If My Child Was Hurt in a School Bus Accident

A child sitting on an examination table with a band-aid on his knee with words that say, child was injured school bus accident.

Parents trust the school system to keep their children safe during the school year. This trust begins as soon as that child steps onto the school bus. While accidents at the school itself are more common, such as a fall during recess or twisted ankle in PE, school bus accidents are often the site of […]

Liability for a T-Bone Accident

A t-bone accident with the words, liability for a t-bone accident.

You are on your way to work, listening to your favorite song. As you come to an intersection, the stoplight turns yellow. Since you are close enough to the line, you decide to keep going forward. Suddenly, you feel a jolt and your car swerves—another vehicle has struck you from the side! Dazed, you realize […]

How to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

A motorcycle on its side with the words, preventing motorcycle accidents.

Motorcycle accidents have a very high risk of resulting in serious injury or death. As the number of drivers on the road continues to increase, so does the number of motorcycle accidents. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Motorcyclists and drivers can both take preventative measures to decrease the rate of motorcycle accidents. […]